The Lady Entries Story

Rabu, 3 Disember 2014

When shit eat you.

Hello everybody, maybe this picture get this entry some worst, but I gonna tell you all about what I had realize about ego people. As my life has working in fifteen years, I had face almost of kind things and kind of people. The very major is EGO people. Im not talking about my enemies or my friends or other people, because Im talking about myselft too.

EGO. The only requirement to destroy any relationship.
EGO. Keep us from saying things we really need to say like "I LOVE YOU, I MISS YOU, IM SORRY"
EGO. Make people think they're big. BIG. big. --"
EGO really make me feel worst everyday, everytime. Not only me, but also you, them, he, she. Because It's not actually we are, because we are not ego. Humans not ego, they are naturally.

Isnin, 15 September 2014

Never believe it

 Pieces of my heart start to not believe it.
From little to the big one, i found that my heart turn to lion.
Idon't know why.
There was a fire in my soul too.
Oh myy, what i must do. People start to say, 
"It's hard to control you"

Today, on 16 September, Im gonna tell you.
From my last entry in March until now, too much sick of life that i can't write. Too messy and full in my heart.
Im so tired to bear it.


Isnin, 17 Mac 2014

Just be yourselft

"Just be Yourselft"

Bukan sekadar kata-kata tetapi mempunyai banyak makna tersirat.
Dulu-dulu aku anggap ayat ni perkara biasa jer, but sekarang aku faham maksudnya.

Dengan sejujurnyalah kan, masa aku menulis entri ni waktu sekolah, and waktu sejarah sebenarnya, dengan rasa terharunya selama beberapa minit kitorang merayu nak main notebook hari ni, serioustalk aku happy, aku dapat luahkan perasaan kat blog aku ni. Hehe, semalam outing tak dapat nak update. Thanks cikgu, dahlah cikgu bagi setiap orang. Lagipun harini ramai yang takde. MTAQ, basketlah and others.

Okeylah back to the point, cerita apa yang aku nak cerita sebenarnya.

Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014

Anoyying realized.

Dengan kesempatan.. muahaha aku ambil masa.. aku tengah outing nih.
Laju gila menaip apa yang aku nak cerita nih.

Sekali lagi...
New crushhhh... terlalu excited, tak reti describe. Mungkin seperti mereka di bawah.

"gila-gila. Excited gila."

Jumaat, 31 Januari 2014

New spirit of young girl.

Dah empat minggu aku tak post entri.
Dah balik dari Rabu haritu dah, but no ideas to share.

Im coming home.

 " Errrrgggghhhh!!!!!!!! "

It's really-really hurts when someone mock at you.!
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